Wayleaver - Liaison Officer

Job title Wayleaver / Liaison OfficerReports to Project Manager Job Profile Delivering quality projects that are on time and budget are critical to Secto ’s performance. The purpose of this role is to liaise with property owners in seeking permission to install telecommunications equipment/cable on their propertyA strong ethos on health and safety, compliance, reporting and documentation are an essential quality.Authorities, Duties and responsibilities · Meet with property owners to seek permission to install telecoms equipment/cable on their property.· Communicate clearly with property owners on what is being requested and the process to complete the works.· Maintain accurate daily/weekly reports on completed works.· Must be flexible for evenings/weekends to facilitate meeting property owners after work.· Ability to resolve issues on site as they arise.· Must be willing to travel as work locations change.· Carry out your duties to meet Secto Quality, Safety and Environmental requirements at all times.Qualifications · The successful candidate will ideally have a background in Utilities.· Microsoft Office including Microsoft Excel.· An ability to work independently and as a member of a team in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.· Past experience in a sales/liaison/customer facing type role an advantage.· Excellent communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills.

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