Warehouse Operator

Description Total Source are looking for an energetic, friendly and enthusiastic individual to join our team. This role involves working in our Galway Warehouse, shipping and receiving. This would be a full-time position for a suitable candidate.Job Responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following: Delivery of a wide range of Industrial goods to a variety of different addresses.Load, unload and operate delivery vehicle. Responsibility of goods inwards and outwards.Taking part in general Warehouse/Stores duties.Some assembly work will also be required.Skills Essential to the candidate for this role: Knowledge of Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and SAP B1 or similar systemA self-motivated individual with a professional and mature attitude is essentialGood communication skills and fluent use of English is a must for this roleAn experienced all-rounder is needed with a can-do attitude and a pleasant personality, someone who is helpful and willing to assist in all situations that can arise from day to day

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