Warehouse General Operative / Order Picker. (Galway).

Warehouse General Operative / Order Picker. (Galway). Duties Execute daily schedules between warehouse and production.Assist the Section Manager in controlling stock and filling orders.Generate material pick-list, pick components and complete transactions on SAPReport on any stock keeping issues.Adhere to warehouse policies and company principles.Ensure that the highest standards in the warehouse are maintained.Maintain all health & safety and ESD requirements.Ensure all procedures are implemented.Requirements 1-2 Years experience in high volume Warehousing / Distribution environment.Excellent initiative with will to succeed and develop.Good understanding of Warehouse processes: Receiving, shipping, FIFOGood knowledge of SAP or other ERP system.Excellent computer skills and fully IT literate.Highly motivated and flexible with regards to working hours.Able to work in a demanding environment.Results orientated and work well under pressure.Good numeric skills with ability to work to the highest standards with minimal supervision.Good communicator with excellent computer skills.Salary. €10 per hour.

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