Sponsorship and Events Executive

Due to the continued growth of INM Events, we are seeking a Sponsorship and Events Executive. The Sponsorship and Events Executive position is a key customer facing role and will involve creating and delivering new sponsorship initiatives across our print and digital platforms and developing an events and exhibition revenue stream with relevant business partners. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIESResponsible for growing integrated sponsorship revenues cross platform to meet and exceed targets.Selling sponsorship and managing events packages for beginning to end.Promote events, ticket sales and commercially led sponsorships.Research and develop prospect lists relevant to the event / sponsorship opportunity.Work with the Advertising, Marketing and Editorial teams to develop event and sponsorship initiatives for the sponsorship and events business unit.Attend events and networking outside of business hours as appropriate.Strive to identify and secure new commercial/sponsorship opportunities and provide creativity and innovation to continue to grow and develop revenue in line with commercial strategy.Work closely with the marketing team to promote and support exhibitions and events.Confident dealing with C-level audienceEXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Applicants must have a minimum of 3 years’ B2B experience.Must have a full driving licenceThird level education is an advantage but not a requirement.Event sponsorship and spaces sales experience desirable.SKILLSUnderstanding of and ability to leverage on current market trends in advertising and sponsorship and eventsAbility to devise and create sponsorship and event opportunities that are aligned with department strategiesProven communication skills and in particular experience in preparing fit for purpose proposals for prospective clientsTo understand and utilise all analytical information available to help sell and develop a suite of S&P conceptsAbility to develop clear business plans to identify new revenue channels and partnering opportunitiesA highly organised person with strong attention to detailStrong collaboration ability to enable effective working across the businessOrganisation - ability to meet deadlinesIf you have any queries on this role please contact HR@independent.ie

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