Speculative Applications for Cleaning Positions

PART TIME CLEANER DLR Leisure operates and manages 4 leisure facilities and 1 Golf Club and 2 Sports Pitches on behalf of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. The 4 centres are:1. Loughlinstown 2. Monkstown 3. Ballyogan4. Meadowbrook5. Stepaside Golf Club 6. Stepaside Sports7. Marlay Sports PitchDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary responsibilities · Responsible for the provision of excellent customer services· The day to day operations of the centre, including cleaning and maintenance through excellent practices.SPECIFICALLY · Cleaning of all equipment, changing rooms, toilets and sweeping duties of all areas inside the Leisure Centre and surrounding pathways and car park area as appropriate.· Removal of all rubbish, furniture and equipment, including bulky and heavy objects as necessary· Use of appropriate machinery and chemicals following training. Attendance at training sessions as required on COSHH, electrical safety and equipment use. Use of appropriate safety signs for all cleaning tasks· Checking of all equipment before use on a daily basis. Responsible for daily check of cleaning store cupboard· Cleaning of female and male toilets and changing areas, replacing hand soap, toilet rolls and towels as necessary· Reporting any faults or damage to the Leisure Centre Supervisor· Cleaning of the reception area and coffee area at specific times, to include glass windows and door panels.· Removal of litter, chewing gum and other rubbish as required· Machine cleaning or hot spot moping of corridors, to include all glass panels, vending machines as required· All stairs and corridors to be hovered and hot mopped as required to include cleaning of ledges and radiators· Skirting areas to be cleaned with hot soapy water· Removal of all rubbish from tops of lockers in fitness room. Wash with hot soapy water as required· •Total clean of showers and mirrors· Bins to be emptied each day as required, black sacks replaced and all sacks to be removed to the bin store· Tops of all bins to wiped clean with hot soapy water· To ensure that all cleaning duties are performed with a view to maintaining the highest possible standards· Carry out all duties with due regard for Health and Safety requirements and regulations.· All pathways and bins to be cleaned and left tidy before the Centre opens for businessMINIMUM JOB REQUIRMENTS 1. Experience as a Cleaner.2. Successfully Garda Vetted with a NIL Disclosure3.Minimum age 16 years and over4.Ability to work flexible hoursKNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES REQUIRED: · Knowledge pf cleaning chemicals· Ability to follow routine verbal and written instructions.· Knowledge of customer service standards and procedures.

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