Senior Medical Scientist - Haematology Job Share

Overall Purpose of Role To assist in planning, organising and co-ordinating the Laboratory service in accordance with the mission, values, vision and strategic plan of Beacon Hospital. This role will play a significant part in the running of the Laboratory Service. This role is responsible for the technical and scientific oversight of the clinical laboratory.Responsibilities and Deliverables To write, maintain and enforce procedures relating to all areas of haematology laboratory and its related testing equipment.To assist in training and leading a team of skilled staff and creating and promoting healthy working relationships.To assist in identifying and implementing operational procedures up to “best practice” standard in order to optimise use of resources.To assist in the implementation of a quality management programme that is patient centred and which measures and audits performance and client satisfaction.Service Delivery Perform scientific work to the required Accreditation Standards, as determined by the Laboratory Manager.To achieve compliance with the E.U. Directive on Blood/Blood Products.Lead and co-ordinate scientific staff within the haematology laboratory in cooperation with the Laboratory Manager.Arrange for the timely and proper processing of all specimens received in the laboratory ensuring the delivery of a high quality service in an efficient and cost effective manner.Prioritise and organise work during busy periods and co-ordinates multiple concurrent testing.Participate if required in the Departmental ‘on call’ rota.Co-operate with the relevant staff in developing and leading the introduction of new ideas and technologies according to the Hospital policies.Participate as required in the registration and custody of Laboratory stocks in accordance with policy.Receive and record details concerning mishaps, complaints and defects in supplies and equipment, investigate the circumstances as required, and report findings to laboratory management.Ensure that the policy in relation to the retention and control of quality and process records is followed.Facilitate and participate with medical and scientific staff in evaluating drugs, equipment, consumable items and research projects.Facilitate arrangements, where appropriate, to introduce professional visitors to the laboratory.Develop with the laboratory management, procedures to be followed in preventing and managing accidents occurring in the laboratory area.Facilitate arrangements in the laboratory for educating and training undergraduates, house staff and post-graduate students.Participate in professional development of team members, through promoting self-learning and formal courses or informal on the job training.Participate on external committees as required.Financial Together with the Laboratory Manager:Facilitate management of departmental budgets to ensure the most effective use of available resources.Assist as required in the preparation of annual budget estimates including a planned programme for replacing capital equipment.Maintain an asset register of appropriate equipment.Participate as required in the provision of appropriate statistical and management information.Facilitate the production of a departmental report for the annual Hospital’s Reports.Staff Management Participate as required in the recruitment, selection and training of the laboratory team.Lead by example a professional, punctual and dedicated team promoting good open communications.Communicate clearly and courteously to members of the laboratory team and all clients of the hospital.Create and promote healthy working relationships and stimulate initiative among laboratory staff.Health and Safety Participate in ensuring that effective safety procedures are in place to comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act as within hospital policy.Assist and co-operate with laboratory Management Team in developing procedures to be followed in preventing and managing accidents occurring in the Laboratory area.Quality Participate in the implementation of quality management programmes.Maintain Haematology INAB Accreditation for the Laboratory.Actively engage in auditing and review of standards and policies.Actively participate in internal and external quality control and assurance programmes.Ensure adherence to all codes of and guidelines relating to professional practice and including the maintenance of Quality Assurance standards.Information Technology Participate as required in developing the laboratory information system for the department.Facilitate the collection, interpretation and presentation of data and information on Department activity, staffing and expenditure according to the Hospital’s reporting needs.Review Achievement of laboratory and personal objectives is facilitated by review.Participate in review process as outlined by the Laboratory Management team.Any other duties deemed appropriate to the post. Please note that the duties of this post may change over time.Flexibility This post requires a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager.Person Specification Qualifications Possess the fellowship or be eligible for fellowship of the Academy Clinical Science & Laboratory Medicine (FACSLM) or equivalent.Possess membership or be eligible for membership of the Academy Clinical Science & Laboratory Medicine (ACSLM)) or equivalent.Please see overleaf for professional qualifications and experience.Formal qualification in management.Experience Minimum of 4 years satisfactory post-qualification experience.Experience in paediatric haematologyExperience in Immnunophenotyping.Skills/Abilities Demonstrate the capacity to lead the haematology laboratory team.Co-ordinate with laboratory management and other hospital departments to ensure delivery of an appropriate and safe haematology laboratory service.Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a high capacity for responsibility and individual initiative.Demonstrate adaptability to the rapid changes taking place in the health services.Knowledge &Understanding Appreciation of all aspects of the provision of a modern haematology laboratory service.Be familiar with the accreditation criteria and objectives.Be familiar with legislation as it pertains to the provision of a quality haematology laboratory service.Demonstrate the capacity to manage staff.Understand quality control criteria.Understand INAB Accreditation and ISO15189 standardsBe familiar with laboratory information systems.Be aware of aspects of financial management of laboratory servicesBe familiar with other hospital departments and their relationships with the laboratory.Be familiar with current health and safety legislation as it pertains to the laboratoryBe familiar with IT packages supporting office and laboratory service. Qualifications Candidates must: a possess the Bachelor in Science (Biomedical Science) Honours degree from the University of Dublin/Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street;orb possess the Bachelor in Science Honours degree in Biomedical Science from the Joint University College Cork/Cork Institute of Technology course;orc possess the Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences of the Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street or the Cork Institute of Technology awarded prior to 1994ord possess a recognised qualification at least equivalent to (a) or (b) above;ore possess a recognised qualification at least equivalent to (c) awarded prior to1994andf possess a postgraduate degree in the field of Medical Laboratory Science;org have attained the fellowship examination of the Institute of Biomedical Science;andh possess fellowship of the Academy Clinical Science & Laboratory Medicine (FACSLM) or be eligible for fellowship;andi possess four years’ experience in a medical laboratory since qualifying as a Medical ScientistThis job description is an outline of current broad areas of responsibility and accountability and should not be regarded as a comprehensive listing. As the role develops in the Hospital this job description may be reviewed in light of possible new structures and/or changing needs of the Hospital.

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