Security & Risk Adviser

HEAnet are seeking a Security and Risk Adviser for a permanent position in the HEAnet team delivering ICT Security Services to the Education and Research sector in Ireland. The successful applicant will be responsible for providing technical expertise within the team and contributing to the broader ICT security and risk assessment activities.Key Responsibility Areas: The successful candidate will undertake the following duties:Conduct technical ICT security assessments and risk analysis of Applications, Network and Infrastructure for on-premise and cloud-based environments;Technical Security Architecture review, design and assessments;Perform Phishing simulations style attacks as appropriate;Delivery of Penetration tests as appropriate to HEAnet clients;Contribute to the design and review of IT Policies and procedures;Delivery of technical workshops and presentations to HEAnet clients;Contribute to providing technical expertise to HEAnet’s response to ICT Security incidents in its client base;Assisting in training and general ICT Security awareness development, delivery of Information security program management;Any other duties within the general requirement of the role which may be required from time to time.Required Experience, Skills & Aptitudes: Essential:A minimum of three (3) years experience in IT Sysadmin / Information Security / Technical ICT / Penetration Tester;Experience in conducting ICT Security vulnerability and risk assessments and analysis;Experience in conducting penetration testing, simulating an attack on the system to find exploitable weaknesses;Solid knowledge of Operating system software;Experience in delivering information security awareness training;Ability to translate customer needs into technical solutions and recommendations;Excellent ability to communicate technical issues to non-technical audiences;Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communications skills;Technical knowledge and understanding of IT security related products and servicesAdvising clients on best practices including IT standards and methodologies (e.g. ISO/IEC 27001, PCI DSS, COBIT, ITIL);Desirable:Knowledge and experience working with Windows and Linux operating systems;Background in administration of Enterprise IT systems and/or applications;Familiarity with Cloud based infrastructure services;Familiarity with virtualisation technologies;Security incident response and analysis. Good knowledge of the wider IT assurance agenda, including BCP (business continuity planning) and Data Protection.Qualifications: Essential:A degree in ICT or business-related discipline or similar relevant industry experience.Desirable:CEH, CISSP, CISA, CISM, Certified Specialist in eDiscovery (CEDS) or similar qualifications.Location: The successful candidate will be based at HEAnet's office, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1 and will be required to attend HEAnet client locations nationwide in the delivery of ICT Security services.Closing Date: We aim to fill this vacancy as quickly as possible and will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate. We would therefore advise interested applicants to submit an application as early as possible.Equal Opportunity: HEAnet is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

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