Refuse Truck Route Helper / Labourer

Refuse Route Helper (Galway) The Helper travels on the garbage truck and assists Driver in providing a prompt and courteous waste removal service for residential customers on designated route. Daily outdoor work will involve lifting, lifting waist high, gripping with hands, moving at a brisk pace and occasional bending. This is a full time position. Monday-Friday, day shift, 40-42 hours per week. 06:00 Start from Galway Depot. Duties and Responsibilities Travels on the outside of the truck while servicing residential customers on route. Climb onto and off of the truck to load refuse bins along the route. Lift and carry trash bags and containers to the truck for disposal. Operate packing mechanism and various levers/handles to activate lifting/loading mechanism. Assist Driver in safely backing up the truck by directing the Driver from the ground. Ideal candidate will: Be able to work in a fast paced, team environment. Be able to work outdoors in all types of weather. Be able to follow safe operating practices. Be able to learn and use interpersonal skills relating to good customer service. Excellent timekeeper, reliable with good references. Own transport desirable. Salary: €11.25 per hour.

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