Insect Rearing Senior Scientist/Team Leader

Purpose of the jobOxitec is a pioneer in controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops. Through world class science it is tackling the major global challenges of keeping people healthy and increasing food production and it is doing so in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost effective. The successful candidate will join our insect rearing development team, a team who are focused on designing innovative rearing methods for our self-limiting insects to produce them cost-effectively for field deployment, at scale.This role requires a highly motivated individual, capable of providing scientific leadership in a small team. You will work closely with our technical experts to demonstrate and deliver commercially viable rearing solutions, in the first instance for a lepidoptera pest. You will ensure that experiments are well designed and focused on delivering results and progress, measurable against the project goals. A key part of this role is to also help nurture your scientific team, supporting their development and ensuring that their work is focused on meeting the project goals. Responsibilities· Steering the direction of research of the team based on results and project requirements;· Designing and running experiments to address scientific questions according to the requirements of the project goals;· Reporting data in meetings throughout the company, to audiences with various technical knowledge, as well as writing reports for internal and external review;· Providing clear communication to the rearing development group lead on project status;· Line management responsibilities, including aligning team to meet project and company objectives by setting clear expectations, reviewing progress and providing feedback and guidance;· Considering the company objective of ‘care for our people’ to be of high priority;· Assisting our project leads with budgeting and resourcing exercises as required;· Have a clear understanding of the commercial impact of the work and responsibilities and strive to optimise performance;· Provide occasional weekend support as part of a rota within the R&D team and co-ordinate this rota within the team;· Ensure that at all times, Health and Safety requirements are met.Key Qualifications and SkillsDemonstrate technical, organisational and people management abilities appropriate for the role and hold a BSc, MSc or PhD;Excellent communicator with effective presentation of work and data to various audiences;Show initiative and have a creative approach to problem solving and the development of solutions;Ability to prioritise workload from multiple stakeholders;Able to work independently and within a team;Must be diligent and organised with an attention to detail;Be adaptable and flexible to changing priorities;Have excellent analytical skills;Be receptive to giving and receiving feedback with respect to personal development;Proficient computer skills including Microsoft Office and preferably in R.Key Experience Experience of working with breeding insects in a commercial or research environment, or proven aptitude for this type of work;A proven track record of successfully managing people to meet objectives and to nurture growth and development;A strong background of pursuing research topics independently, being able to interpret results and decide on best course of action.

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