Quality Control Scientist

Purpose of the jobOxitec is a pioneer in controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops . Through world class science we are tackling the major global challenges of keeping people healthy and increasing food production and we are doing so in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost effective. Oxitec is seeking an early career scientist to join our small dynamic Quality Control team. The role requires the individual to be highly motivated and capable to provide scientific research support to help meet our project objectives and company goals. The Quality Control team ensures that our products are maintained to a high standard that meet regulatory requirements on the global stage. You will achieve this primarily through designing, running and reporting experiments to support specific project objectives. The role of Quality Control Scientist will provide an exciting challenge for you, in delivering results in a constantly evolving environment. This is a great opportunity to join a pioneering biotech company and help advance our growing portfolio of products to market.Key ResponsibilitiesThe key responsibilities of the role are to include:· Designing and running experiments to address scientific questions under the guidance of your line manager.· Carry out and troubleshoot molecular biology protocols to include PCR, qPCR and pathogen detection· Maintain insect colonies for experimental requirements· Data collection and analysis including statistical analysis· Writing and updating SOPs and risk assessments· Excellent lab book maintenance and record keeping· Line management responsibilities, including aligning team to meet project and company objectives by setting clear expectations, reviewing progress and providing feedback and guidance· Assisting with maintaining up to date health and safety records· Training QC staff as required in line with training records· Have a clear understanding of the commercial impact of the work and responsibilities and strive to optimise· Provide occasional weekend support as part of a rota with the Quality Control teamKey Qualifications and Skills· Must hold a BSc degree in a life science subject· Must be diligent and organised, with exceptional data recording abilities· Have an attention to detail· Able to work independently and within a team· Good written English and oral communication skills and a diligent attitude· Competent in MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and preferably in R/R StudioKey Experience· Demonstration of working in a molecular biology setting is essential· Experience of working in a quality control / quality assurance environment is preferred· Experience of handling insect samples / insect rearing is preferred

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