PHP Developer - Adfront is currently looking for a talented Developer to join our newly-established Digital marketing agency within Independent News & Media PLC. The applicant must have a minimum of 2 years PHP experience, a strong knowledge of MYSQL, best security and OO Practices.The applicant must be comfortable working in a fast paced agile environment, communicating clearly and working within a team.Role Responsibilities Troubleshoot, test and maintain core code.Develop new products and featuresLearn new technologies and incorporate them into the core systemDevelop their OO coding abilityWork in an agile development teamWork with API'sExperience and Qualifications Strong PHP, MYSQL, JS, JQuery, HTML knowledgeBasic knowledge and understanding of frameworksExperience of versioning tools(GIT) Minimum 2 years’ experience in software development.Full stack developer experience an advantage Minimum 2 years PHP Experience in the IT or a related industry.BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subjectSkillsProactive approach Excellent attention to detailEager to learn new technologiesTeam playerAbility to work on own initiativeAnalytically mindedIf you have any queries on this role, please contact

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