Part Time Golf Operations Assistant

DLR Leisure wishes to recruit 2 Golf Operations Assistants for its golf facility in Stepaside. Applicants must have an understanding of golf, have good interpersonal skills and be capable of working on their own initiative. The Golf Operations Assistant will play a vital role in the maintenance and delivery of services by dlr Leisure to its diverse user groups.Specific responsibilities include reception and administration of the golf clubhouse.The appointee will work the hours required by DLR Leisure in order to ensure adequate staffing for the facility.Main Duties & Responsibilities · Maintaining Operations at dlr Leisure Stepaside golf facility.· General care-taking, maintenance and cleaning duties of the golf clubhouse.· Being the key holder to the facility which entails responsibility for opening and closing the facility, supervise caretaker’s facility.· Operating facility till and end of day reconciliation.· Ensuring hygiene standards throughout facilities are kept to a high standard.· Reports health and safety, security issues to the Manager.· Traffic management at peak times for the golf course.· Submitting written reports of incidents and accidents that occur on the facilities.· Customer service responsibilities (greeting customers, answering calls, driving sales)· Responsible for booking golfers into online timesheet.· Ensuring that the golf course runs smoothly operationally.Any other ad hoc duties which may be assigned by the manager or his/her nominee.Hours of Work: Part-time 12-16 hours per week during the summer months. Hours will vary during the winter months.Salary: Commensurate with position offeredThe closing date for receipt of applications is Monday 26 th March 2018

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