Night Porter

Rathsallagh is an Irish Blue Book Member. Winners of numerous awards for fine dining, restaurant , County House of the Year, 39 bedrooms with 5 star appointments. Duties to include general service to guests at night, including the smooth and efficient running of reception to the rules of our Standard Operating Procedures ( SOP). Cleaning up and re setting function rooms after functions and general assistant to food & beverage staff during working hours. To supervise / manage the team working under you in this role Ideal candidate will be used to working nights, have some supervisory skills and have a fluent level of English. CV’s in word doc format only please. Applications by e mail must have an introduction in e mail body. This is a part time position mostly Thursday to Saturday inclusive summer and Friday to Saturdays winter. Keywords: Dining room supervisor, Restaurant Supervisor, Security, Duty Manager, Waiter, Waitress, Bar Man, Night Porter, Night work, Night shift, Night Manager, duty Manager, Security, Kitchen Porter, Hotel, Bar, Night Club. Part time.

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