.Net Developer

Due to continued growth we are looking for an experienced .Net Developer to join our development team. This is primarily a development/design role to continue to develop and support our current in house ERP solution.You should be capable of building .NET applications using ASP.NET, MVC, MVC Core, C# and SQL server. You will be required to develop, upgrade and debug the existing solution and work with internal stakeholders, suppliers and our in-house support team to provide technical solutions and support.The role requires: Pre-development analysis, working with both technical and non-technical staff ensuring that the requirements are understood and deliveredDesign and development of our .Net ERP applicationIdentify and debug issuesProducing technical documentation and user guides and upgrading existing documentation.A strong understanding of Business Procedures, practices and principles.Experience with popular web application frameworks, ASP.Net webforms and MVCExperience of Jira and ConfluenceExperience of continuous integration tools, JenkinsStrong .Net C# skillsFamiliarity working with HTML5, XML, CSS and Javascript and libraries and frameworks Excellent troubleshooting and communication skillsExperience with popular web application frameworksAn understanding of AWS would be a benefit but not essentialExcellent verbal and written communication skills in EnglishTreats: 25 days of holidaysBirthday offFree snacks throughout the dayStaff discountYou can get to work with DOGS (and can bring your own)!... and much more!If this sounds like the next step in your career that you’ve been waiting for, apply now!We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability status.

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