Multimedia Editor

Role Purpose The Multimedia Editor will be responsible for creating, editing and curating high quality video and digital content for INM’s online products. The role will involve working both in the field with mobile journalists and in studio environments to capture, record and produce compelling multimedia products to drive audience onto INM’s online platforms.Role Responsibilities Managing and developing's multimedia offerings, including video, audio, images, apps, with the aim of growing our offerings and audiencesProduce compelling high quality, video content for INM online productsCurate and edit video content for and other INMWork with Mobile Journalists in the field to record and edit video remotelyWorking with content team to ensure best presentation of multimedia on siteGeneral online editorial duties / any other duties as requiredSkills, Qualifications and Experience Degree or masters in a Video or Multimedia Production roleExperience working in a fast paced, editorial environment2-3 years’ experience working as a multimedia editor or producerExperience producing video outdoors and in multi camera studio environmentsAdept at using Digital SLR and Digital Video Camera equipmentFluent in the use of Adobe suite of multimedia toolsExperience working with VMS systemsSelf-starting, initiative: the ability to generate creative original ideas.If you are interested in joining this innovative and exciting team, please apply before 8th March 2018.

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