Maintenance Fitter / Welder

Maintenance Fitter / Welder. (Galway) The Role: This is a full time permanent position. The successful candidate will be responsible for all plant maintenance.Ideal candidate will be a highly qualified and experienced fitter / welder (Hydraulic and Electrical knowledge an advantage but not essential).Key Responsibilities: •Mechanical and electrical repairs to a wide range of equipment & processes.•Identify and carry out preventative maintenance outside formal maintenance programs.•Support requirements for production lines and their supporting equipment.•Use knowledge and available materials to ensure production downtime is kept to an absolute minimum.Skills/Attributes: •Must have a relevant trade qualification (Mechanical or Welding).•2-3 years relevant post-apprenticeship manufacturing experience.•Ability to troubleshoot and maintain hydraulic components and systems an advantage.•Ability to work in a team environment.•Working knowledge of tools and components used in maintenance and repair of mechanical systems.•Enthusiastic and energetic with the ability to think and act independently.•Self-starter with ability to drive to tasks to completion in a demanding environment.Salary: 13 - 16 Euro per hour – depending on experience.

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