Digital Sales Support Co-Ordinator

The Digital Sales Support Co-Ordinator will be responsible for creating new digital advertising leads as well as supporting the sales team with the implementation and management of campaigns.ROLE RESPONSIBILITIESGenerate and process new sales leads as necessaryAssist in planning, developing and closing digital sales proposals with the sales teamProvide the sales team with presentation supportAdministrative duties to support meetings and other activitiesContinued competitive analysis of the digital marketplaceCommunicate needs, issues, and status of accounts effectively with sales teamStay current on online advertising trends and innovationsEXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONSBachelor’s degree in Marketing/Business/Communications or related experience1-2 years of experience in digital media marketingSKILLSResults OrientedEffective CollaborationAbility to work in a fast paced environmentProposal development skillsStrong written and oral communication skillsEffective time managementHigh attention to detailStrong organization skillsEnjoys working in a team environmentProficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint

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