IT Services Manager

This role is required for an individual to work with the CIO and his management team to ensure that the INM IT department is utilising best practice IT Service Management Processes and Procedures. The IT department serves numerous internal business units and a requirement exists to formalise the relationship and operating model in terms of how we provide these services to our internal customers.Roles and Responsibilities • Develop relationships with our internal customers and build a profile of the IT services that are provided.• Ensure the provision of reliable IT services to our internal customers.• Review existing SLA’s and determine what changes are required to ensure that they are fit for purpose and meet the needs of a 24x7 business operation.• Review existing and revised IT policy documents with the individual business units – agree these and ensure they are effectively communicated and published.• Review existing IT helpdesk function. Determine if the current model is fit for purpose, implement any agreed changes and ensure that this function is demonstrably best in class.• Build and maintain an accurate inventory of IT assets (hardware, software, and other relevant technological tools)• Review existing starters and leavers processes and work collaboratively across the organisation to implement any agree/required improvements.• Review existing IT change management processes and implement any agreed changes that facilitate keeping our IT assets refreshed while balancing the needs of a 24x7 business operation.• Proffer recommendations on appropriate action plans for improved services.• Responsible for building and maintaining a high-level of industry standards (ITIL) when dealing with the delivery of the departments IT services.• Account management of key IT Suppliers ensuring we have effective SLA’s in place that are managed with regular service reviews in place.Experience and Qualifications • Relevant 3rd Level Qualification & ITIL Certified in IT Services Delivery• Minimum 5 years experience in IT Service Delivery If you have any questions on this role please contact

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