IT Project Manager

This role is required for an individual to work directly with the CIO on a series of initiatives in establishing an IT/Digital transformation agenda to support the current and future growth needs of our business.Roles and Responsibilities • Lead a series of department projects in support of the CIO’s IT/Digital transformation strategy• Work with the CIO in project planning the delivery of the new IT/Digital Strategy.• Identify the various IT/Digital improvements underway and consolidate under a single transformation programme .• Work with the CIO in project planning the delivery of the new IT/Digital Strategy.• Ensure there is standardised and effective governance in place across all IT Projects within the department.• Develop and produce weekly dashboards against all IT and IT Transformation projects.• Track all IT Capex / Opex spend across all IT Projects.• Assist in the preparation of IT Projects financial planning.• Measure IT projects performance using appropriate systems, tools and techniques.• Build and maintain a consolidated IT Projects RAID register.Experience and Qualifications • Relevant 3d Level Qualification.• PMP / Prince Project Management certification• Minimum 5 years experience in IT Projects Delivery.If you have any questions on this role please contact

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