Insect Rearing Senior Technician

Job Title: Insect Rearing Senior TechnicianPurpose of the jobOxitec is a pioneer in controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops . Through world class science it is tackling the major global challenges of keeping people healthy and increasing food production and it is doing so in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost effective. The successful candidate will join our insect rearing development team, a team who are focused on designing innovative rearing methods for our self-limiting insects to produce them cost-effectively for field deployment, at scale.This role requires a highly motivated individual, capable of providing senior technical support in our insect teams, working in the first instance on Anopheles rearing systems. A key part of this role is maintaining insect colonies and running experiments, as well as helping to maintain a safe and functional working environment.Responsibilities· Maintaining colonies of insect strains· Running experiments according to specified protocols· Data entry and preliminary analysis· Providing laboratory support· Preparation and maintenance of laboratory stock solutions, supplies and equipment· Stock-taking and ordering· Providing occasional weekend support as part of a rota within the R&D team· Assisting with laboratory maintenance (reporting and problem-solving facilities issues, accompanying site engineers etc)· Assisting with maintaining up to date health and safety records and training records· Writing and updating SOPs· May or may not have line management responsibilities · Key Qualifications and Skills· Educated to A-level or demonstrating technical abilities appropriate for the role· Must be diligent and organised, with data recording abilities· Have an attention to detail· Able to work independently and within a team· Good written English and oral communication skillsKey Experience· A track record of working successfully both in a team and individually· Experience of working in a biological sciences laboratory is strongly preferred, with insect rearing expertise is desirable

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