Head of Sales (Reach Stationery)

Reporting to the Commercial Director, the Head of Sales will be responsible for growing stationary sales for Reach Stationery. This will include direct responsibility for developing existing revenue lines in addition to developing new revenue-generating product offerings.ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Exploiting new sales opportunities in the marketplace (new customers, ecommerce)Driving sales with key accounts and through the sales rep teamMeeting personal sales targets as well as being responsible for teams combined sales targetLeading a team of sales executives throughout the countryProviding in depth market feedback to Senior Commercial teamIdentifying and exploiting retail opportunities to increase salesWorking closely with retailers to ensure very high service levelsExecuting promotions and measuring resultsDevelop trust relationships with a portfolio of major clientsAcquire a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirementsGenerate new sales directly where time and opportunity arisesPrepare regular reports of progress and forecasts to Senior Management teamInput into product range which may include buying trips during the off seasonEXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Driven by sales targets and results as set out in budgetsExperience in a sales role in a retail/wholesale environmentExperience in leading a teamExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsThe role will require extensive travel within the island of IrelandFull clean drivers licenceIf you have any questions on this role, please contact hr@independent.ie.

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