German Customer Care Advisor

The customer service team is an integral part of MedicAnimal and your role is paramount to continuing success. You are the voice of the company and are the first point of contact for our customers.If you love delivering world class customer service, love problem solving and being part of a fun and fast paced team, then this is the job for you.YOUR RESPONSIBILITES: Being on hand to support our German customers via the phone, email, livechat and on our social media platforms.Demonstrating a high quality of service in all interactions with our customers. This is reviewed and measured through our QA processes, which look to make sure you put the needs of the pet , at the forefront of everything you do.Placing orders and processing telephone payments. Offering associated or enhanced products and services where appropriate.Resolving customer queries in relation to orders. This could be in relation to expected arrival times, promotions and payments or, returns. This will include liaising with our courier partners, Warehouse and Purchasing teams. Queries are received by phone, email and livechat.Providing or arranging access to product advice for all items on our website. Attending training sessions on foods, accessories or pet careReaching out to our customers via our retention channels, offering services, products and advice.Engaging in tasks or initiatives set by the Care department associated with our customers.Assisting other teams within the business where required.Maintaining an excellent knowledge and required skillset of all the systems and tools we use within the department. MUST-HAVE: German language skills are essential - equivalent to native speaker level, both oral and writtenCustomer Service experience desirable, ideally within a similar environment; great customer focus, an excellent telephone manner and excellent English, both written and verbalAbility to multi-task and handle a high volume of work when necessaryTeam player but also someone who is able to work independentlyArticulate, bright and forward thinkingWe are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability status.

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