General Manager (Galway West)

General Manager. (Galway West) Exalt Recruitment are seeking an experienced and highly driven General Manager to oversee Production, Marketing, Sales and Finance responsibilities within successful and ambitious enterprise. Successful candidate will give guidance and direction to all key operations managers and supervisors. The position reports to the Board of Directors and commands a very competitive salary. The successful candidate will have a recognised record of hands on leadership at senior level and demonstrated sound business acumen with excellent communicator skills. All applications from suitably qualified candidates are welcome and applications from Irish speaking candidates are particularly welcome.Key Responsibilities: •Collaborate with the Directors and staff on developing and delivering business strategy.•Ensure business unit goals are met by establishing sales and manufacturing goals, policies and procedures as well as ensuring that all departments are aligned with the business strategy.• Lead the firm’s effort to be the innovative market leader by delivering top quality products and services to customers.•Ensure effective operations by monitoring results and taking action to correct problem situations revealed through operating results.•Ensure profitability by directing and monitoring activities to achieve a satisfactory return on investment, profit margin, manufacturing and labour costs.•Ensure sound financial position by overseeing the development of annual operating budgets of costs and expenses.•Ensure a safe working environment by directing all matters related to personal health and safety of employees.•Assist with public relations to maintain the appropriate corporate image within the local community.•Active involvement with Customer Service performance, issue escalation, training, and process flow for exceptional service delivery.•Encourage and promote operating in a continuous improvement environment.•Closely monitor, control and maintain key performance indicators.•Work with Operations, Service Engineering and Lean teams to develop SOP and work standards for all the areas of operations.•Manage personnel issues in the Plant and provide leadership to motivate people, foster teamwork and promote an awareness of health and safety and quality in all aspects of the operation.Ideal Candidate. •5-10 Years of senior management experience in Sales, Business Development, Marketing, Finance or Operations demonstrating successful track record.•Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Engineering, Finance, Operations Management or equivalent.•Adept at maintaining a positive, open, approachable, and professional relationship with a diverse group.•Excellent communication skills, ability to mobilise key stakeholders, and engage with all levels in the organisation•Demonstrated solid motivational, leadership skills and business acumen•Excellent analytical and decision-making skills.Salary. Competitive and negotiable with health benefits package.

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