Full Stack Developer and Tutor

Are you a Full Stack Developer? Do you have Python experience and love problem solving? Code Institute is looking for a talented junior developer who enjoys learning and helping others for our Learning Success team.There's a growing skills shortage worldwide and filling this talent pipeline underpins our education ethos. That's where Code Institute's Mentored Online Full-Stack Development Program comes in. Our online students are dedicated, passionate and determined, and they can use your help to study even more effectively and land their first developer role.As a tutor on the Learning Success team, you will provide the first line of educational support we provide to students, helping them tackle any coding-related issues that come up in their day-to-day learning. The purpose of tutoring is not to provide immediate answers to their problems, but rather to guide students through problem-solving techniques. We're looking for tutors who can see the bigger picture and help students learn more effectively. You will also use your coding skills to work on internal projects focused on analysing and improving the student experience.ResponsibilitiesSupport students’ learning through ad-hoc one-on-one sessions, via text, video and screen sharing.Keep records of issues from each tutoring session. Whenever relevant follow up on issues until solved, and strive to turn particular student problems into general improvements to the course, in some cases implementing these improvements directly.Take part in discussions in our online community chat rooms, helping students and encouraging them to help one anotherHelp maintain self-service resources to help students solve many of their own problems.Proactively reach out to students as they progress through the course content, encouraging them to make use of the resources and support available to help them complete on time.Participate in the planning, development and continuous improvement of the software systems used to provide support to students and process analytics data.RequirementsProficiency with the following coding technologies taught in our Full-Stack course: HTML, CSS, JS, Python and Django.Problem solving skills, including code reading ability, deductive reasoning and the ability to effectively use Google and online documentation sources, while applying critical reading skills.Effective verbal and written communication skills, particularly when explaining technical topics. Prior teaching/tutoring experience is a plus.Ability to manage your time effectively.A willingness to work different hours occasionally (potentially from home) to extend support hours to students in other time zones.PerksFree access to all of our course materials.Working cross-team in a dynamic 'start-up' environment. We give our employees opportunities for personal and professional growth.Unwind for the last half hour before your weekend with "Beer Fridays." Decompress after the work week.A fully-fitted kitchen with a Nespresso machine, trust me – it's a lifesaver!Close to all public transit, easy to get to by DART, LUAS or a number of bus routes (84/A, 7, 7A/B).Cycle or run to work? Don't worry! We have a shower here in the office.A small but growing, friendly and supportive team!

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