Digital Direct Sales Specialist

The Digital Direct Sales Specialist will be responsible for growing our digital revenues with a key focus on establishing and strengthening relationships with direct clientsROLE RESPONSIBILITIES Delivering the client revenue target for the digital businessCentral to the client services team executing digital consultative selling of a very high standardDeveloping a best in class relationship with the client ensuring that the digital reputation of INM Client Services is robust, progressive and impressive at all levelsTogether with each of the product managers, establish the new product development roadmap that will deliver real client benefits and new revenue generation for the partnershipEnsuring that all client engagement is carefully prepared and executed to a very high standard at the right time, at all timesWorking with the Advertising Operations team, drawing on all consumer insights across all verticals, platforms and formats creating a continuously engaging partnershipEnsure that the talent available across the digital hub participates in client meetings where relevant and contributes to the successful communication of progressive initiativesMonitor and study the ever changing marketplace and demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of market trends to impress and instil confidence in the client teamReports to clients on digital campaign results, driving new business consistent with the Client Business PlanEXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS BA/BS degree preferred in Marketing, Business or equivalent2+ years’ experience in a Senior Sales role working directly with marketing, mobile, media and/or consulting companies and demonstrated leadership experience requiredExperience managing sales revenue targetsSKILLS Proven track record building sales pipeline and delivering large revenuesAdaptable approach to fast changing digital advertising and sales environmentOutstanding relationship and business builder with a strong track record of having built relationships with key clientsStrong knowledge of digital advertising productsInnovative thinker that can drive change through digital solutionsProficiency in MS OfficeComfortable working at C level on accounts in large agency and / or large key accountsExperience in consultative sales processAbility to manage multiple projects while maintaining strict attention to detailsAbility to communicate, collaborate and work effectively on a teamUnderstanding of major advertising success metricsExcellent written and verbal communicatorAbility to work in a fast paced environment

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