Operations Coordinator - Reach Group

The candidate’s primary responsibility is maintaining long-term, post-sales relationships with existing customers across the different business entities including Packaging, Stationery, Newspapers & Magazines. The Operations Coordinor will report into the Operations Manager and will play the role of the customer’s advocate to ensure customers are receiving appropriate support from all areas of the business and the quality of the service being offered is to the highest standard.Role Responsibilities Conduct regularly business reviews to ensure customers are satisfied with all aspect of Reach products and service.Ensuring the business is aware of changes in customer requirement and business needs.Maintain Long –Term Relationships with Existing customers.Ensure Customers are receiving appropriate support from all business areas.Ensuring that quality of the service being offered to the highest standard.Ensure all customer facing personnel are trained to meet the business code of conduct.Guide team members to deliver products/services that meet or exceed the customer requirements.Handle client issues throughout the businessManage and train resources to ensure quality and consistency of service to customers.Develop and maintain customer related Reports/KPI’sManaging client relationships to build a reputation for excellent service and help generate repeat business.Identify and develop problem solving methodologies to resolve customer issues.Experience and Qualifications Must have related experience working in a similar roleMust have valid driving licenseExcellent working knowledge of Excel and PowerpointSkills Sales and Results Oriented Planning & Organising Detail Oriented Proficient in Microsoft Office Good communicatorExcellent interpersonal skillsTime management 

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