Commercial Content Lead

The Commercial Content Lead will be responsible for the creation and curation of branded content as well as the management of internal and external content suppliers.Roles and Responsibilities Work closely with the sales team and their clients to conceive and manage custom editorial and native content productsManage the production of these products, including working with freelance contributors under tight deadlines to produce world-class original content Work closely with the commercial and editorial teams to bring the best content and user experience to our audiencesSource and manage a strong portfolio of freelance content creatorsWrite, assign, manage and edit native content editorial projectsWork closely with the design team to ensure every project is compelling to the readerDevelop and recommend themes/content ideas in line with briefs and client objectivesBring client campaigns to life through storytelling, video and social ideas generation, writing, editing and sourcing visual assetsProactively pitch ideas and generate creative and on-brand responses to briefs (including video/editorial/social) during brainstorming sessionsEnsure all native content aligns with brand guidelines and adds value to the customerDesk and manage all native content on and other digital platformsExperience and Qualifications Communication or Journalism degree preferred Minimum of 3 years experience in digital publishing in a comparable position.Experience with content management systems and Social Media platforms Experience with multiple client briefs in a fast-paced environmentSkills Strong attention to detail and excellent written and verbal communication skillsExperience with content management systems and Social Media platforms Experience with multiple client briefs in a fast-paced environmentKeen insights into online consumer behaviour Interest in popular culture, trends, topical issuesIf you have any questions on this role please contact

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