Calibration Technician

Responsibilities:•Setup, calibration, and troubleshooting of temperature, pressure, flow, humidity, level, balancing, density, viscosity instrumentation, UV, pH, conductivity analysers and control valves. •Ensure appropriate preparation for all client visits is undertaken. •Maintain all documentation in an organised and controlled manner in compliance with GMP and site SOP’s.•Work with Client personnel as required to facilitate calibration activities, •Develop and implement systems for scheduling and documenting the performance of calibration activities. •Trend and analyse performance data to evaluate the effectiveness of calibration systems. •Fully engage with site safety requirementsMinimum Qualification Required:•Qualified Craft Technician (Instrumentation)•City & Guilds 225 Parts 1, 2 & 3, or Diploma in Industrial Automation & Controls or Applied Physics and Instrumentation •3 years working experience in industry, preferably in a pharmaceutical or relevant GMP manufacturing environment.Skills/Experience Required:•Ability to read and understand technical manuals and engineering documentation •Literacy in Computer Operating Systems and applications such as Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc •Willingness and Ability to develop a proficiency in engineering type-specific software programs and systems •Excellent Communication / Documentation and Interpersonal skills •Ability to work independently.

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