Building Services Engineer

Building Services Engineer Oxitec, Oxfordshire, Milton Park, Abingdon, UK.A great opportunity has become available to work for a pioneering biotech company and being responsible for the operation and maintenance of Oxitec’s facilities.Oxitec is a pioneer in controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops . Through world class science we are tackling the major global challenges of keeping people healthy and increasing food production and we are doing so in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost effective. We are looking to hire an experienced, enthusiastic Building Services Manager to join our team and look after our two buildings on Milton Park. We have varied environmental requirements due to looking after both people and insects. We would expect a combination of hands-on efforts in addition to the managing of external contractors to keep the building running smoothly. You will report directly to the Head of Operations. Responsibilities As the UK based Building Services Engineer, you will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of our facilities. The type of facilities we have are office spaces and insect rearing spaces that require particular attention to humidity and temperature control. Specifically, we have: Electrical distributions systems (400/230V ac) within buildings, supplying HVAC plant and equipment; Piped water services and drainage systems; Plant and HVAC used for close environmental control of laboratories/ specialist rooms or similar requirements- a deep understanding of temperature and humidity control in HVAC systems a must; A building control systems software for controlling HVAC systems; A facilities management software system. The successful candidate should be able to ensure our building is fully functioning and have overall accountability for planned preventative maintenance. They must: Have overall accountability for planned preventative maintenance programmes including identifying and sourcing key component spares for critical systems; Liaise with the departmental personnel to minimise impact on operations; Manage the budget, including proactive and reactive maintenance, together with minor works projects; Have overall responsibility for ensuring breakdown repair of plant and equipment in a timely and effective manner; Assess, diagnose and rectify problems on-site; Identifying and work with external maintenance contractors for specialist plant; Understand HVAC systems and their component parts, utilizing PID control; Manage chilled and hot water systems and their maintenance requirements; Manage minor works projects. This role includes being part of an on-call system rotation. Key Qualifications and Skills Apprenticeship with minimum 5 years post-qualification experience in a practical engineering position; Operation and maintenance on the control systems relating to other plant such as refrigeration and air conditioning, air supply and distribution, steam and hot water generation and distribution, heating and ventilation; A demonstrable ability to manage projects, both minor and more complex; Experience in managing building alterations and repairs; Able communicator who is able to articulate technical problems and solutions to decision makers; Able to work in broad team with many stakeholders; Ability to work both independently and in a team; Ability to build trust quickly; Driven and proactive approach. Key Experience Proven track record of building services engineering maintenance; A track record on working successfully in multi-cultural environments. Behaviours Creativity and innovation; Results oriented; Shows strong initiative; Adaptability and flexibility; Teamwork and teambuilding; Analytical skills and problem solving.

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