Branded Content Creator

The Branded Content Creator will deliver quality, reliable and authoritative content for a wide range of brands, partners and products. The ideal candidate will have excellent copywriting skills and be familiar with working in digital publishing. They will have an excellent understanding of content marketing and the digital publishing industry.Roles and Responsibilities Writing, editing and publishing branded content.Managing content plans and ensuring all branded content is up to date.Working closely with commercial partners to ensure their brand, product and service content is accurate and up to date.Work closely with Editorial to ensure correct content placement and develop consistent workflows that optimise Branded and Editorial collaboration.Ensuring that branded content is adequately trafficked across both INM and third-party platforms to deliver on required performance metrics.Assisting the creation and/or publication of digital content, including written, video, podcast, audio and email.Work cohesively with the Advertising and Sales teams to ensure content is within INM’s editorial standards.Maintain and publish social media content (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Soundcloud) including paid campaigns.Experience and Qualifications Third-level qualification in multimedia content creation within the news and media sector or equivalent.Experience commissioning, writing or editing content in a fast-paced branded environment with proven revenue impacts.Skills Outstanding written and visual communications skills within an online environment.Professional communication and presentation skills with the ability to convince and deliver personal impact.Experience working with digital publishing CMSUnderstanding of content marketing Proficiency in MS Office and Adobe SuiteBasic photo editing skills (Photoshop)Working knowledge of HTMLIf you have any questions on this role please contact

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