Senior Analytics Systems Developer

Europe's fastest growing education company is looking for a senior software development to take our analytics systems to the next level.In this role you would be in charge of leading the development efforts of all our analytics tools. Your aim would be to provide all internal and external stakeholders with accurate, complete and actionable information regarding student progress and the effectiveness of our support mechanisms, while maintaining data confidentiality.ResponsibilitiesLead the technical direction for all software systems that have to do with gathering, processing and displaying of data regarding student interactions with the programAct as the lead developer for several of these systems, spending much of your day writing effective, clean and maintainable Python codeCoordinate the efforts of other developers contributing to the learning analytics systems and mentor more junior developers.Manage cloud infrastructure and CI/CD processes for the analytics systemsRequired skillsSenior level coding skills in full-stack web development with PythonExperience in system design and cloud-based architectureExperience in DevOps processes and agile developmentOptionalExperience contributing to large-scale Django projects and preferably the open-edX projectExperience with Machine Learning and AI-based recommendationsExperience in project management and/or people managementExperience in automating workflowsExperience with User Experience Design

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