Activities Leaders

Activity Leaders - Galway Atlantic Language Galway is recruiting Activity Leaders for our English summer camp which runs from 29 June 2019 to 28 July 2019 Activity Leaders are responsible for the successful delivery of the activities and excursions programme. Role responsibilities To plan, prepare and lead activities and workshopsTo lead organised excursions and tours enthusiasticallyTo prioritise safety and student welfare at all times.To comply fully with all Atlantic Language policies and procedures Encourage and motivate students to participate in all organised activitiesEncourage & facilitate opportunities for students to practise English To attend daily briefings and to ensure thorough preparation and set up is carried out for all activity sessions both on and off siteTo assist in the day to day running of the summer schoolTo assist with student arrivals and departures as requiredBe professional in dealings with external stakeholders, partners, group leaders, students and colleagues at all timesRequirementsExcellent interpersonal skillsFluent English speaker with good communication skillsFlexible, enthusiastic and highly motivatedProven leadership and team-working skillsMust be available to attend training and induction prior to commencementMust be eligible to work in Ireland Must enjoy working with young peopleIT literate Desirable· Previous experience in a similar role· Occupational First Aid qualification· Experience in sports coaching an advantage· Background in music, dance arts & crafts · Training will be provided

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