Accounts Assistant - Accounts Receivable/Invoicing Function

Derrycourt Cleaning Specialists are seeking an Accounts Assistant to work within the Finance Department as part of the Accounts Receivable Function, focusing on all invoicing and billing requirements for the company. The ideal candidate will have the following experience/competencies:Excellent Numerical SkillsHigh Attention to DetailPrevious Experience working within a Finance Department (Minimum 2 years)Excellent Verbal and Written EnglishMicrosoft Excel SkillsGood Customer Service Skills Specific Responsibilities:  Sales Invoicing: Contract invoice processing:Set up of Repeat order templates for new contractsMaintaining order templates and updating any changesCompleting weekly and monthly contract invoice process from repeat order templatesNon contract invoice processing:Reviewing CRM system daily for new jobs, creating sales orders and issuing paper work to site for completionWeekly follow up on outstanding paper work and invoicing job when completed paper work is received.Cross check all hours for additional work with the payroll team and investigate any varianceThird party contracts invoice processing:Set up of Repeat order templates for new contractsMaintaining order templates and updating for changesCompleting monthly contract invoice process from repeat order templatesLiaising with accounts payable and Customer Support Dept with regards to any third-party contract amendments or service changesConsumable invoice processing:Work with our warehouse department to ensure the accurate and timely invoice of all consumable orders.Ensure we have adequate paper work in place for all orders.Bank holiday invoicing:Extracting relevant bank holiday information from reports provided by the payroll department.Calculating and invoicing bank holiday charges to clients depending on specific contract agreements.Work in progress:Completing month end review of all order status and contract invoice timings to determine value of work in progress at the end of the monthResponsible for the preparation of the month end work in progress file for the financial controller.  Client reporting:Ensure all supporting documentation is up to date and issued to client as required both on a monthly and annual basisProvide support to our sales and marketing department with regards to pricing for new tenders and repricing of contacts as requiredProvide information as required for client KPI reporting on a monthly basis  Other duties:Responding to client’s queries as they arise in a professional mannerLiaising with Area Managers and Customer Support Dep to resolve any issuesManaging the invoicing mailboxIssuing all credit notes due to ClientsIssuing all statements to Clients at month end and on requestSupporting the Credit Controller with any invoicing queriesAd Hoc duties as required  Reports:  Monthly work in progress reportsWeekly & Monthly client invoicing reportsMonthly sales variances reportsSales Force reports Other: Ad hoc duties as requested by Accounts receivable Manager/Financial Controller

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