Accounts Administrator

Accounts Administrator. (Galway)IDEAL CANDIDATE. Fluent Irish language.The ideal candidate may have a diploma / degree in Business Administration / Accounting or equivalent years experience.Excellent customer service skills with an outgoing and friendly personality.Have a minimum of 2-3 years experience in general accounts / purchasing.Proficiency in Microsoft Word / Excel / Outlook / Access.Experienced user of SAP / SAGE or any similar package.Have excellent communication skills both written and oral.Absolute attention to detail.THE ROLE Manage the office area and associated activities in that area.This person will assist with the weekly / monthly payroll process, including data entry, computing, running and verifying management and payroll reports.Maintains and updates employee information and changes.Maintain and update invoices, receipts, payables and general record keeping.Manage the procurement process – Request quote, purchase order, receipt.SALARY. 24-26K. Depending on experience.

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