Account Manager

About Us: Atomic Beta is the B2B business within the wider Atomic Group. We are a trusted advisor to B2B and Tech brands who are disrupting the B2B industry globally. Our mission is to enable our clients to generate demand in complex markets with strategic, creative and production services. Our work is primarily internationally focused and we are highly differentiated in the Irish market. Clients include Salesforce, Enterprise Ireland and the role: The Account Manager will report into the Business Director for Atomic Beta. You will be a key member of a highly influential team, with an opportunity to work 1) across a range of world class B2B brands, and 2) alongside some really experienced and creative marketers. You will be responsible for supporting multiple projects simultaneously - which requires you to be adaptable, with a strong sense of ownership. This position requires excellent communication skills, as well as maintaining a client-focused mindset. You thrive in a dynamic and fast moving environment.What you’ll do: Build and grow excellent client relationshipsSupport all on the ground elements of Atomic Beta client projectsWork closely with Creative, Design, Production and Marketing teams internallyBring a proactive and highly detailed approach to complexityUpdate and advise clients on project status and deliveryCommunicate client feedback effectively and efficiently internallyWork with Account Managers to assess and advise on creative/design assets being delivered back to clientsWhat skills you’ll bring: 1-2 years Senior Account Executive experience. Account Manager experience is preferred but not required, either from a different agency or a similar marketing backgroundA proactive attitudeA detail oriented approach to project timelines The ability to track detailed project budgets and timelines to a high standardExcellent communication skills with client and studio teamAn interest in exploring the world of B2BA growth oriented mindsetSounds like you? Please apply with your CV and cover letter.To learn about the transition from B2C to B2B, checkout this interview with the awesome Beta Senior Account Manager, Caroline. is an equal opportunity employer. We’re proud of our ongoing commitment to develop diversity & inclusion in the workplace, particularly through the efforts of our Atomic DNA talent branding cell. Individuals seeking employment at Atomic are considered without regard to race, colour, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, ancestry, physical or mental disability, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

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